SMART SIM Registration Online ( sim registration)

SMART SIM Registration Online ( sim registration)

The SIM Registration’s main purpose is to the protection of all old and new users’ privacy data, enhancing overall security and, as such the risk of unauthorized use. As well as Smart SIM Registration or Verification prioritizes the safety of its users saves them from illegal activities, spam, and fraud, and covers all requirements of Philippines users.

Most importantly, using your web browser, go to (“ registration”). This complete method is very easy and simple through which the user quickly can smart sim registered by the guideline steps.

How to Register a Smart SIM Card

Smart Network emphasizes the importance SIM Registration Act, however, known for its extensive network coverage, high-speed internet and postpaid plans of DITO SIM in the telecommunication company in the Philippines.

Surely by applying Republic Act 91134 and from the registration method users can easily save their SIM Card online from misuse. Users should keep all necessary documents for registration, including ID Card, Mobile number, Name, and Date of Birth, and you can check giving below comprehensive procedure.

Document Requirements

If you are a new user of Smart SIM or other SIMS Cards, before going to the registration online page you have essential or required documents to fill the form with satisfactory information:

  • National ID Card
  • Name
  • Gender
  • Smart SIM Number
  • ID Number
  • Full Adress
  • Selfie Photo
  • Nationality

Valid IDs List

As Smart SIM Registration or all SIM Cards of Philiphienes, users must have complete government-issued ID cards and fill out the registration form.

  • Passport ID
  • Driver license
  • Your Full Name
  • SSS Identification Card
  • Senior Citizen ID
  • Voter ID
  • PRC ID Card
  • IBP ID
  • UMID Card
  • Multi-Purpose ID
  • Gun License ID
  • OWA ID
  • BIR ID
  • PhilHealth ID
  • Any other acceptable government photo ID

Smart Sim Registration Link Online

  • Opening the Smart SIM official page from your mobile phone.
  • You will click on “(” link
Enter your smart sim number
  • To initiate Your Registration here enter just “Smart Sim phone number”
  • Verification Code: After providing a Mobile number will get (A Time Password Code).
  • Enter OPT Code & confirm: As such One Time Password will show on your mobile, quickly copy this and keep in mind, further put in the essential field and tick on the verify option.
  • Terms and Conditions: then you have checked to confirm the box that I have accepted the terms and conditions.
click on send otp code
verify otp
your number verified
  • Click OK” First you will click the “Ok” button
  • Choose the type of Registration: Then you get options “I am registering a New SIM or My Old SIM”.
  • Select One Option: If you are a new registering user tick on (I am registering a New SIM). If Old SIM user then click on “My Old SIM”.
  • “Click on the Nationality Field”: Scroll or type to find (Philippines) and click on it.
type of registration, Nationality

“Select a Valid and unexpired ID Card” During the verification and position of the ID Card in a well-lighted area, ensure that your selfie photo as well as all details are fully clearly seen. Moreover, put the ID card correctly within the outline.

  • “After taking an ID photo” Click on the option to upload the front of your ID to avoid blurring and completely positioned accurately in the frame.
  • Submit Instructions: After giving instructions, you will tick on the blue (Submit) option and move on next steps.
  • Ready for Scanning: Scanning your face for verification online keep in mind firstly your scan face tips ensure your face is visible, maintain natural expression, don’t use glasses,and position correctly the image within the frame.
  • After Completing Face Verification: you have to get confirmed or such type of message (We have Successfully Captured Your ID information) you will click “OK” to proceed.
upload valid id card
uplod face photo
successfully captured your image
  • Identity Number: Now you will provide your “ID Card Number” in the below field.
  • Personal Information: On requirement, you will give step-by-step personal information like First & last name, Middle name, Gender, and Date of Birth, during this process, you can also check (I don’t have any official name) then click the “Next” button.
  • An Official Home: To ensure accurate address & identification give the following details, House Number, Village, Unit, Province, City, Building Name, Barangay, Zip Code, etc.
  • Provide Emal and Contact Number: Enter your alternative contact Number & Email address, once time you click on green “Next” proceed.
fill personal information form
address information
Alternate Number and Email
  • Summary Review: Giving all documents in the summary box can check or verify your ID Card Number, address, nationality serial number, Date issue and other relevant documents
  • Selection box: you can easily see and accept I declare that I have personally accomplished the registration process.
summary of smart sim registration
checked the box
  • Reference Number: This confirmation Message shows Via SMS App, that you have Successfully registered a user and got 50GB of data, you should have a copy and take a clear screenshot to keep on your mobile for future use.
  • Your Smart SIM registration
your sim is successfully registered

Through Smart App

Most questions are produced in the user’s mind How to register Your Smart SIM? Also check about DITO APN Setting.

  • Download Smart App: Open Playstore and download the “Smart App” for online Smart SIM Registration on your Android mobile, while IOS users can also use the APP Store to download the Smart App.
  • Open Smart App: After downloading, create a new account if you don’t have one, then you will click on “Register Your SIM Now”
  • Give your”Sim Number” in the field
  • Wait for Confirmation Sms: This message will contain a one-time PIN Code on a 4 or 6-digit number.
  • After entering the OTP and Clicking “Verify” if the OTP is correct, you will proceed to the next step.
Click on sim registration
enter sim number
verify otp
  • Registration Type: You should click on “Type of Registration” and select nationality, ID Card and ID Number.
  • Click: on “Take Photo“Keep Your ID Card in front of the Camera.
  • Successful Face Scan: You should have in the center your face and fully within the framework.
customer information
  • Private Details, now offer your private information, Full address, Name, Gender, nationality and some other ID cards.
  • Full Address: During this process, you will provide complete information such as House No, Street No, Province or State, Postal Code, Country and City.
  • Overview: After entering all information, overview your details to ensure correct.
  • Congratulations: Your SIM Card has been registered.
personal information
congratulation you're registered

How to register through Smart Store /Retailer

As well as another easy and simple method for Smart SIM Registration is the physical store and retailer, you can visit the nearest physical shop with the necessary documents.

  • Navigate to the nearby Smart service center for SIM registration.
  • They can question all essential documents & personal details, as such ID Card, SIM card, Mobile number and your Name.
  • Next step, During the Filled process or asking you will offer your correct Name, Nationality, Sex, and present address.
  • verify your identity take your photo and you will be given an ID Card to complete the verification process.
  • Confirmation, Once registered receive a confirmation of successful registration.

Smart Sim Registration Number (Form & Deadline)

Most of the users are curious to know about the Smart SIM deadline. and what is the deadline for SIM registration? and how Smart Users register their SIM after the given Deadline?

What documents are required for SIM registration? As such all guidance provided the online form for Smart Number Registration involving, Nationality, Birthdate, Gender, Complete name, present address, Selfie Photo of a Valid ID card and full clear face scan.

Important information about the SIM Registration Deadline

  • Deadline Extended: Before the deadline, the user registered their Smart SIM by July 25, 2023.
  • Why Register: Ensure you register your SIM online before the given deadline, for you save many issues like digital spam, fraud, and other criminal challenges.
  • Need Assistance: For more help or information you can contact 88811111.

Registration for Minors & OFW

  • What is the method for Minors Smart SIM Registration?
  • Under 17: If Minors want to register SIMs, they can use their parents’ documents.
  • Essential Documents: National ID Card, official government-issued ID, passport, SIM number and go to the (https://
  • Fill out the sim registration form with parents’ verified documents, Name, address, Valid ID Card and government-issued card submit form.
  • After the verification process, you will receive that you are registered using your parents’ documents.

By implementing all document registration overseas Filipino workers are also eligible to get Smart SIM online at (tinbo. ph) smart communication, access to unlimited packages, and buy load.

Sim Registration failed

During SIM registration, some of the users face Common Errors or technical issues, as such, incomplete registration forms, faulty SIM cards, software errors, issues with biometrics, displaying an OTP code, and more others. but these technical problems can be solved with quick guideline steps.

smart sim registration failed
  • Review again: Valid ID Cards list again and double-click on the personal information.
  • Avoid public registration and resolve biometric issues with biometric data( fingerprints, scan clean.
  • Verify the SIM card and renew your expired IDs.
  • Contact Smart Customer Support and call them at 888-1111
  • Check both numbers email addresses, and phone numbers, further give a clear Selfie photo of yourself.

Smart Sim Registration status check

In the digital age, there are variant methods to check your SIM Cards verification status online, and if you are a user of Bro Home WiFi, Bro Prepaid, or Smart Prepaid easily get

  • Using the Giga Life App
  • , If you are(an Andriod)user open the Play Store and If (an IOS) user open the (App Store)
  • In the search bar icon type “Giga Life App”
  • Find Giga Life App, while Andriod users with the Install option, on the other hand, Ios users with “Get” button.
  • Then open this app, and will appear dashboard( Registered ) with your number.
via smart app
  • Using Web Portal
  • Simply, you can navigate the Smart Sim Registration portal by going to (Smart. com. ph. Smregestration) here enter your mobile number, obtain the OTP code, via Massage then put the one-time PIN on the Portal App.
  • provide personal information such as name, address and ID.
  • After giving all the details in the summary box, then you received a verified Sms that you have already registered.
Through Portal

How to activate Smart SIM

To Activate your prepaid Smart SIM needed some

Activate your Smart Prepaid eSIM in 3 easy step
  • Step 1: Open your call dialer and dial the code (*123#) for the sim activation.
  • Step 2: Select 3Number “Activate MNP and other Services”
  • Step 3: Select 1 (mobile Number & Portability)
  • Step 4: Type your Mobile phone number
  • Step 5: Put your USC (Unique Subscriber Code of 9 digits)
  • Step 6: The Smart Prepaid Sim
  • Step 7: Write (1) to confirm
  • A successful confirmation SMS will show on your message app and now restart your device and get the latest offers.

Benefits of Smart Registration

After finalizing your registration, which has a diverse range of “Bonus offers”enhancing security features, a variety of special promotions, discounted rates on plans, bonus data, and provided key advantages for their users.

Improved Security

If you want to secure their personal information, your data, and login procedures, and manage payments from illegal activities and digital fraud, make sure your registration act.

Priority Customer Support

Along with registration, you have to get a key benefit from “Priority Customer Support” which means providing quick responses, special support channels, and access to the experts’ help when needed.

Legal Requirement

This legal requirement is an important part of SIM registration because all the telecommunication companies in the Philippines require legal documents and guaranties or make sure the use of calls, texts, and internet services.

Offers and Promos

If you have to require verification for the Smart SIM, then you can get easily multiple bonus offers, Free descriptions, earning points upon the SIM activation, free calls and texts of all networks upon buying load also get the bonus, transaction, payment, online booking, as Smart SIM company has satisfied with unlimited free bonus and offers.


Can I use a Smart SIM without Registration?

Yes, but all telecommunication companies in the Philippines and the Registration Act require that all users must register to verify their identification of the users.

How to register SIM to Giga Life?

Go to direct (www, and open the Smart Giga Life application, then click on (“SIM Registration”) and give all the required details in the form to finalize the registration procedure.

How to Register Smart SIM through Text?

You will type text (Yes) and send it to (5858) for free verification of your postpaid SIM Registration, further you can get a 3GB data bonus for 3 days.

What is the purpose of sim registration in the Philippines?

The Republic Act’s large purpose is to reduce cybercrime activities, hate speech, use of crime issues, and false information. It also requires that all mobile users either Philippines or overseas register their Sims and secure data.

How many days will a SIM Card expire?

If you have not recharged their account within 30 to 90 days in this situation they deactivate the service number. Still, if you further don’t use them between 90 to 180 days their SIM card, then you can permanently deactivate them using of internet, calls text, etc.

How to register Smart Bro home to WiFi?

  • First, you must obtain the Smart Bro phone number at the bottom of your WiFi device.
  • Then you’ll connect your device to the WiFi home.
  • Provide your mobile number, send OTP for verification, complete the online form with the correct info and review your summary box.